We are, sadly, running out of time. We have to get back to Istanbul and we haven’t even explored the territory of the Hittites, the Phrygians, or, even fully explored the Ottomans yet. Nor will we be able to. We needed weeks longer than we planned to do all that we’d hoped. Turkey’s history is simply so dense: it is everywhere. As we were particularly bereft at missing Hattuşaş and the Hittites, which we’d been looking forward to as much as Çatalhöyük, we decided to compensate and head to Ankara, enroute to Istanbul, and visit their much acclaimed Museum of Anatolian Civilization, one of the top museums in the world. Major mistake. To start with, Ankara is the capital of Turkey. It is full of pigeons. Aside, and little known fact: Turkey uses pigeon guano for fertiliser. I think they likely could get most of it from the streets of Ankara. And chaotic traffic of the frightening kind. Drivers oftentimes appear not to be able to distinguish the pedestrian thoroughfa...